Kentucky Counseling Center | Victim Mentality: What Is It and How to Cope with It

Have you ever heard of the victim mentality? Victim mentality means you are blaming others for your struggles and the misfortunes in your life. 

A person with a victim mentality may have “me against the world” as a motto. They believe that bad things keep happening to them because they are the world’s mortal enemy. They think everyone is against them; their partner, family, coworkers, or friends.

They may be overly sensitive, thinking that people talk behind their backs. They believe that this is how their life will always be, and they can’t do anything about it. Solutions are presented to them. But, they think that these solutions are not reasonable.

As you read along, this article will help you understand what victim mentality is. You will also learn about the signs and how thinking negatively can be transformed into a positive one.

What Is Victim Syndrome?

Victim mentality is also called victim complex or victim syndrome. Victim mentality is a psychological word referring to a type of dysfunctional mindset seeking persecution to get attention or avoid self-responsibility.

Those struggling with this mentality believe that life is beyond their control and deliberately hurts them. They feel victimized, and they lack the power to change their situation.

A person with victim syndrome may constantly blame and point fingers at others. They may also fall into self-pity because of pessimism, anger, and fear.   

Victim syndrome is not a recognized and diagnosable mental health condition. If someone has a victim complex, it is easier to drown in negativity than change and save oneself. A victim’s mindset is grounded in pain, distress, and trauma. They become vulnerable and afraid.

How Does Victim Mentality Develop?

Having a victim mentality is an acquired personality trait. No one is born with this mentality or any clinical condition—the development of the victim complex results from early life conditioning and coping mechanism.

Most individuals with this mentality may have experienced physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, or sexual abuse in childhood. Children may also acquire this mindset by observing a family member exhibiting a negative attitude.  

Causes of Victim Mentality

Listed below are some of the common causes of victim mentality:

  • Past traumas
  • No control of many negative situations
  • Ongoing emotional pain
  • Betrayal of trust

Most individuals develop victim mentality because of past traumas as their coping mechanism. They may also feel trapped or hopeless because of extreme pain. They may easily give up.

They may have difficulty trusting other people because they experienced betrayal from people they trusted. They are having problems trusting their family members or partners.

Signs a Person May Have Victim Mentality

Self-sabotage and thinking negatively are the common signs of victim mentality. Fortunately, this is not hereditary. Instead, they may learn to behave this way because of their experiences.

Here are some of the signs to look out for:

  • They blame other people even when others have nothing to do with their misfortune
  • They feel that everyone and the world is against them
  • They think the world is unfair
  • They think that the lives of others are better than theirs
  • They have trouble coping with setbacks
  • They have a negative mindset and attitude about most things and situations
  • They resort to anger when others offer help and assistance
  • They feel better when they pity themselves
  • They like to hang around with people who are like them, who want to complain and blame others
  • It is challenging for them to initiate changes in their life
  • They feel unsupported by those around them
  •  Their self-esteem is low, and they lack self-confidence
  • Their view and opinion about others are in black and white
  • They are not emotionally accessible to others
  • They may tend to reflect on situations
  • They are often passive in their daily dealings
  • They are overly attentive about the bad things that could happen
  • For them, failing is forever

Victim Mentality Behaviors

Aside from the signs mentioned above, here are other observable behaviors that individuals with this mentality may tend to exhibit:

  • They don’t take personal responsibility for their actions
  • Aware when people have bad intentions toward them
  • They feel happy and relieved when they are gaining sympathy or pity from others

Victim Mentality Attitudes

Certain attitudes are linked to a victim mentality, such as:

  • Pessimistic about the future
  • Has repressed feelings of anger
  • Feelings of sympathetic entitlement from others
  • Defensive
  • Unmotivated to look for solutions to the problem
  • Doesn’t want to take risks
  • Negatively exaggerating the outcomes
  • Putting one’s self down
  • Feelings of learned helplessness

Victim Mentality Beliefs

Every individual has their own set of beliefs. Persons with a victim mentality are no exemption. Listed below are the common ideas that persons with victim mentality believe in.

  • They believe bad things will always happen to them
  • They think that changing is useless for there is nothing they can do about it
  • They think that they deserve to experience lousy luck
  • They believe no one cares for them
  • They think that they are hopeless and they can’t control what is happening
  • They think they don’t know how to change things
  • They believe that they should accept what is happening to them.

Outcomes of Victim Complex

If a person’s victim mentality persists for a long time, here are possible outcomes that may arise:

  • Feeling guilty, ashamed, or depressed
  • Feeling sad, angry, or scared
  • Feeling isolated and lonely
  • Feeling frustrated with everything
  • Feeling hurt and unappreciated by everyone
  • Feeling bitter of successful people
  • Relationship issues may arise at work because of feeling manipulated or blamed
  • Engaging in self-destructive behavior
  • Enjoying drama and refusing to face problems
  • You are struggling to trust authority figures and even therapists

Examples of Victim Mindset

Example 1: You have been applying for a job for a while now. But, still, you are unable to get hired. If you have a victim mindset, you will stop and give up. You may feel hopeless and useless.

Instead of feeling this way, why not go over your application form or resume. Something wrong with what you have written might make it unhirable. It would help if you made revisions or asked for help from someone who has a background in job recruitment.

Example 2: Another example is when other people offer you their help. Instead of acknowledging it, you sink into self-pity, and you tell them that support is useless for nothing will work.

This shows that you only want to feel sorry for yourself and don’t intend to do any meaningful work.

Is Victim Complex Permanent?

It is understandable why victims feel this way. They had a hard time controlling what happened to them in the past. However, they now have a better shot at getting a better future because they know better. They have learned from their past, and they can now have control over their actions and decisions.

Those with victim mentality often pity themselves and have no enthusiasm for healing and change. If they don’t have plans to end the game of self-pitying, they will forever be imprisoned and victimized by this kind of mentality for the rest of their life.

Their life will always be a steep battle if they have a victim complex. The reality is, life will constantly throw stones of challenges towards them.  

Benefits of Persistent Self-Pity

Does having a victim mindset have benefits?  What are the reasons you prefer to pity yourself rather than change for the better? There may be some secondary gain resulting from the victim complex.

Here are some of the possible reasons why a person doesn’t want to change:

  • You are not responsible for anything
  • You can easily complain and get what you want
  • People around you may be willing to help, and they could even solve your problem for you
  • You avoid being angry. Instead, you prefer to feel sad and upset
  • You are uncomfortable facing shame, fear, anger, or sadness
  • Victim complex was your coping mechanism. It helped you get through rough times. Now, it has become a habit.
  • You don’t want to be criticized. People won’t attack you if they know you are struggling
  • Victim complex help you avoid engaging in conflict with others
  • You may quickly get what you want in most situations
  • People expect less from you. You don’t feel pressured
  •  People will not come to you to talk about their problems because they know you are already struggling
  • It is easier to influence others when you are the victim
  • You are less bored because your life is full of drama
  • People around you will take care of you and are very understanding of you

People with victim complex greatly benefit from having this kind of mindset. They become very powerful. They are powerful in avoiding responsibilities, feeling sad and persecuted, and avoiding uncomfortable situations. They are also influential in manipulating others.

Dark Side of Having Victim Complex

Victims of this kind of mindset often behave this way unintentionally. Being the victim makes it very easy for them to manipulate the people around them through sympathy and attention.

A person with victim mentality gets a lot of comfort and an artificial sense of safety in playing the victim. They feel great relief knowing that they are not responsible for their behaviors. Playing the victim prevents them from feeling uncomfortable feelings. They may enjoy lashing out and making others feel guilty. They benefit from the fact that they are easily cared for by the people around them.

There are abusive and sociopathic people that use victim complex to emotionally abuse those around them. A narcissist or sociopath may constantly abuse their partners, and they play the role of the “victim”.

Those with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and sociopaths are not the only ones who like to play the victim role. Other people like to try being on the dark side. These people may range from perky teenagers, sweet grandparents, mothers, fathers, and even spiritual or religious individuals.

How to Stop Victim Mentality?

There are ways how they can improve their mindset and develop better-coping strategies:

  • Learn how to cope with different situations
  • Speak out and change the outcome of the situation
  • Read self-help books for improved mindset
  • Forgive yourself and others who caused you harm. Forgiving may help lessen hostility and trauma responses
  • Seek professional help from a therapist who can help with trauma processing
  • Emotional intelligence should be improved and developed
  • Be responsible for one’s reaction and what can be controlled in life
  • Choose wisely one’s set of friends
  • Self-care is essential. Prioritize yourself
  • Work on personal and attainable goals
  • Practice constant releasing of bad feelings
  • Learn to say “no” when you disagree with the values and beliefs of others
  • Always practice being thankful 

How to Help Someone Get Over Negative Thinking

It may seem frustrating to help someone with a victim complex. It can be challenging to be with someone who continually complains about their life. It may be hard to be with someone who believes that they have a never-ending battle with the world and who enjoys feeling miserable.

It may be difficult to convince them that they should think more positively and take responsibility for their lives. It may also be a struggle to encourage them to stop complaining and blaming others and to focus on their improvement instead.

Even if you may feel frustrated and tired of understanding them, remember they are genuinely suffering. These victims believe that they are helpless and are at the mercy of other people and the world. 

Here are some suggestions that you may consider doing when helping somebody with a negative mindset:

  • Show them that you understand them. You know they have gone through troubled pasts and are still in pain.
  • Avoid calling them victims. Offer them help
  • Help them identify negative behaviors such as blaming, complaining, and not taking responsibility
  • Brainstorm with them to set goals on how they can change their lives for the better
  • Give them space and time. Help them learn how to set boundaries. Let them share their feelings and talk about their problems
  • Validate their feelings and be sensitive as not to make them feel they are being attacked
  • An apology is not necessary if you are not solely responsible for the situation
  • Encourage them to seek help from a therapist if they have a past trauma

What You Say to Boost Someone’s Self-Esteem

Wondering how you can be tactful when talking to someone with a victim complex? Here are some phrases that may help you converse with them:

  • “I am sorry that you are having a hard time. If you need someone to talk to, I’m just here.”
  • “I may not be able to solve your problem for you. But, I am here to help you find the solution for it.”

Don’t Be a Victim Forever

Victim mentality may be a destructive form of behavior. Having this mindset may mean tainted or ruined relationships and poor self-esteem.

If you have this mindset, you should know your feelings are valid, and you are understood. You are strong, and you are a fighter. You can move past this situation and be able to seek help.

Whatever happened in your childhood was out of your control. As an adult, you now have the power to reclaim control over your life, have more self-compassion, and be happier.

You have the chance to be the best version of yourself by shifting out of your victim mentality. Kentucky Counseling Center (KCC) will help you remember what it was like when you had control over your life. KCC can provide you with the therapy you need. Treatment may help you become inspired and empowered again. It is possible for you to regain control over your life.

The therapists at KCC are very friendly and accommodating. They are very supportive and can help you on your journey towards an improved version of yourself.

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